Local Exhaust Ventilation Testing

Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) testing | Aircheck Services Ltd | Tel: 01536 526478

Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) testing has been overlooked by many companies due to the fact they do not understand what is actually is!

LEV is an engineering control system to reduce exposures to airborne contaminants such as dust, mist, fume, vapour or gas in a workplace (HSE 258). To put it simply, if a process in your workplace gives off airborne contaminants such as above, then these processes need to be controlled in order to keep your employees safe from respiratory issues.

HSE state LEV testing is a statutory examination and should be carried out at least every 14 months. COSHH requires more frequent testing for some processes. Aircheck will advise the type of LEV which is required and carry out thorough examination. All engineers have been awarded by Faculty of Occupational Hygiene BOHS. Proficiency certificate in P601 - Thorough Examination and Testing of Local Exhaust Ventilation Systems.